Shakira shocked to be on the same Oxford Union stage as Churchill.Pop star Shakira spoke of her shock at being asked to occupy the same Oxford Union stage as such luminaries as Winston Churchill - but admitted "I'm no Mother Teresa".
The Colombian-born Hips Don't Lie star said it was a "privilege" to be speaking in front of the 400 Oxford University students at the world-famous debating society, as others including the Dalai Lama have done.
The Colombian-born Hips Don't Lie star said it was a "privilege" to be speaking in front of the 400 Oxford University students at the world-famous debating society, as others including the Dalai Lama have done.
She kept the students waiting for 20 minutes before her half-hour appearance.
The 32-year-old Grammy Award winner, wrapped up for the cold weather in a coral pink dress and black cardigan, said: "It is a privilege to be here today, that you have afforded me this opportunity for me to speak to you."
To laughter and mock booing from the audience, Shakira, known for her dancing, added: "I must admit I am somewhat mystified as to why you are here, as there won't be any singing or any hip shaking whatsoever. So how do I go from Barranquilla, Colombia, to occupy the same stage as Newton and Churchill? Lord knows I'm no Mother Teresa."
Shakira, a Unicef goodwill ambassador who has run her own charity since she was 18, used her speech to stress the importance of education for all.
Asked if her glamorous image as a successful singer stopped her being taken seriously in her charity work, Shakira frowned before saying: "No. I think those two paths have been so parallel in my life. I think they walk hand in hand with each other.
"My career gives me an enormous opportunity to communicate issues that I believe strongly should be communicated."
Sdh saya link ya pake nama "Celebrities". Link saya ntar diganti dengan nama "Manchester United Indonesia". Jangan "Piter Sianipar"....
is real thg..shakira read again..
Link udah dipasang di sebelah bocahiseng tuch :) maaf telat yaa
Berkunjung.. Numpang baca2 artikelnya..
Sambil bersilaturahmi dengan sobat blogger..
Wah.... Blog nya oke banget ni...
Klo ada waktu mampir ya.. :)
I like shakira, thanks for this article.
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